"M" is an eight year old female. She has no history of diagnosed UTI's but has had frequent pain and burning upon urination at various times in the past. Her porphyrin test shows indication of elevated mercury and lead levels. Baby hair is high in toxic metals, very low in mercury. Family history is strong for kidney disorders along with autoimmune diseases. She has positive celiac markers and has been gluten free for 3 years.
She follows the full supplement program outlined in Andrew Levin's "Compendium" plus vitamin K2 per the Catherine Tamaro protocol.
This urine speciman was collected on Friday a.m. and refrigerated. By Saturday evening, a fine layer that looked like glitter had accumulated on the bottom of the collection container.
One drop of that sample had many crystal formations in it, the following few images were recorded:
Amber Reddish Crystals at 400x......
and 1000x magnification:
Crystals 100x magnification:
She follows the full supplement program outlined in Andrew Levin's "Compendium" plus vitamin K2 per the Catherine Tamaro protocol.
This urine speciman was collected on Friday a.m. and refrigerated. By Saturday evening, a fine layer that looked like glitter had accumulated on the bottom of the collection container.
One drop of that sample had many crystal formations in it, the following few images were recorded:
Amber Reddish Crystals at 400x......
and 1000x magnification:
Crystals 100x magnification:
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